Web Posted - Tuesday November 24, 2020
When Steel Talks

‘BOSS’ - Remembering Clive Bradley

by Dalton Narine

Clive Bradley with Desperadoes Steel Orchestra

Global - “When Clive Bradley passed away on 26 November 2005, he carried with him more music than he devoted to his life. He also left us with an uproarious humor, as if his new world would be even more electric, and his raucous, clucking laughter, a robust cackle, runs a line of symmetry through the center of his eyes. I still hear it, so I see it too.

“It’s as if Bradley’s never been gone. Still up the hill, now way beyond yonder where he’d devised and concocted his music. Indeed, to Bradley, a geometric soul, less is still more.

“Parse that.”  -- Dalton Narine